Remembering 9-11 – Praying for Peace


I have a calendar event on my smartphone (formerly on my Palm) set yearly on September 11 at 9:20am EST (8:20 here in CST) that says, “Moment of Silence”. In remembering 9/11 this year, I watched a couple videos online including this awesome short documentary about the 9/11 Boatlift. Anyhow, as I’m watching these things and remembering, I recall the sense of surrealness of it all and the disbelief to the horror inflicted on our nation. As I’m thinking about it, I think about how the whole thing has had a profound affect on everyone who lived through it – we all will never forget where we were when it happened and the days following. Then I started thinking about people in the world who are living this continually. It’s not just one date but it’s going on daily with no end in sight. This is particularly true currently in Syria and I felt convicted that I have not been praying for the Syrian people and for peace. Do you realize that the Syrian conflict has been going on since April of 2011? According to the United Nations, the death toll surpassed 100,000 lives in June 2013!

There are a lot of strong opinions on either side about whether our nation should get involved or not in the conflict militarily, but can we commit to get involved in prayer for peace? Who will commit with me? Remember the gut-wrenching feeling of 9/11 today and let God break your heart for those lives who are being torn apart in Syria or elsewhere. Please comment if you’re with me.

About howie snyder

Cycling Reverend, love Jesus, love my family, love meeting new people and sharing life with them!
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4 Responses to Remembering 9-11 – Praying for Peace

  1. Amen. Thank you, for the reminder of the very real way we CAN be involved. I’m with you 😉


  2. Rev. Jean Bozeman says:

    Please tell me more about the 9/12 sketch of Christ hovering over NYC. It has been a favorite of mine since that day so long ago, yet so near. To me it is an answer of “Where was Jesus in all this?”

    Liked by 1 person

    • howie snyder says:

      Rev. Jean, thanks for your note. I just spent quite some time searching for the origin of the sketch and could not find anything. There is a name on the bottom of the sketch, but I can’t figure out what the name is other than it looks like it starts with a “B” and ends with a “D”. I tried doing searches with some variations of the letters but am not coming up with anything. When I wrote this blog back in 2013, I had remembered this drawing as a favorite as well and so searched for it under Google Images and used it. Just now in my searching, I found a couple sites that had the image like Pinterest and a site called Painting Valley, but couldn’t find anything for the origin or author of the image. If you look around some and find out, let me know! Sorry I wasn’t able to find anything on it. Peace


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